Hot Lunch Program and Canteen

I am happy to share with you that we will be operating our canteen again.  We have all the safety and food safe protocols in place.  Our canteen worker will prepare and deliver the meals to each classroom.  All meals will be individually packaged as has been done in the past.

We will be offering our Hot Lunches again this year.  We will have something available each day.  Please see the instructions below to create your account.  All previous accounts have been erased because of privacy and security reasons.  You will need to create a new account for your child.

We also have canteen items that will be sold each day.  The list is below.

Extra lunches are available for students that may have forgotten their lunch.  Please remind your child to go to the canteen if they have forgotten their lunch and we will give them something.  If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Thank you!  Mme Côté-Aubin

  1. All orders will be placed online at this web address:

  1. To place orders you will need to register first. The access code is ECEHL (these need to be capital letters)
  2. Fill in the registration page with your contact information.
  3. Add your children to the correct classroom. 
  4. Place your orders. You can do one month at a time or all four months if you wish.
  5. You will need to pay for your order with a credit card.  We use Bambora to collect money.  Unfortunately, we cannot accept cash or cheques.
  6. You will be charged a $0.30 fee to use the Bambora service. If you want, you can pay for all the orders at once to have only one fee.



COOKIES                                                                                                    $0.75

GOLDFISH CRACKERS                                                                              $0.75

SEAWEED                                                                                                   $1.00

JELLO                                                                                                           $1.00

POPSICLE                                                                                                    $1.00

PIZZA POP                                                                                                   $2.00

SMOOTHIES                                                                                                $2.00

CHIPS AND SALSA                                                                                      $1.00