About Central Arts School

Ecole Central Vision/Mission Statement:

It is the vision/mission of Central School to offer a French Immersion academic program of the highest quality, in an inclusive and caring environment. We strive toward building a strong educational community that integrates the Fine Arts, incorporates Indigenous learning, enhances the development of self-awareness, engages all learners and fosters a love for learning and respect for self and others.

 C’est la vision/mission de l’École Central d’offrir un programme académique d’immersion française de la plus haute qualité, dans un environnement inclusif et bienveillant. On s’efforce à développer une communauté éducative unie intégrant les Beaux-Arts, prenant en compte les apprentissages autochtones, renforçant le développement de la conscience de soi, engageant tous les apprenants, favorisant un désir d’apprendre et encourageant le respect de soi et des autres.

Central School Context:

–    Single Track French Immersion Elementary School (District Program)

   Fine Arts Focus

   Located in the downtown core of Fort St. John

   Breakfast & lunch programs to support our students in their learning

   253 students

   Diverse population

   Staff includes

2 Admin Staff (Bilingual Principal & Vice-Principal)

12   Enrolling Teachers

0.9 Fine Arts prep teachers

0.4 Librarian

1.0 Learning Support & Reading Support French teacher for the French program

4 Educational Assistants / Lunch Period Monitors



1 Secretary

2 Custodians

1 Part-time School Counselor

Ecole Central School Goals:

Human and Social Goal:

  1. a) To improve peaceful problem solving skills and social responsibility where all
  2. members feel safe, respected and make good decisions.
  1. b) To continue to build a sense of community of empathetic learners. “Together it works”. “Ensemble ça marche”.
  2. c) To guide our students to identify their feelings and respond with expected self-regulation strategies.

Intellectual Goal:


a)To improve number sense in all grades

b) To connect numbers/math to real life

Literacy: To improve literacy in all grades

a) To improve early literacy skills – the transition from Kindergarten to Grade 1

  1. b) To maintain our reading comprehension & fluency in Grades 1 – 6
  2. c) To improve and increase writing output at all grades 1-6

Career/Skill Development Goal:

a) To enhance student and teacher understanding of applied skills by the use of  our maker-space and technologies through classroom and school-wide exploration activities

b) To explore career opportunities

PAC: We have a strong and active Parent Advisory Committee, who are wonderful advocates for all our students and very supportive of our staff. We enjoy a very supportive parent community.

To contact us, please see the Contact Us Page.