Digital Citizenship

Ecole Central Elementary School

Digital Citizenship

At Ecole Central Elementary all students are required to:

  • Sign a technology agreement form at the beginning of every school year to be able to utilize a district learning account as well as utilize district technology.
  • Use technology to further learning.
  • Be a responsibly digital citizen.

Being a Digital Citizen means:

  • Taking care of equipment (making sure it is put back properly).
  • Ensuring any device being used is safe at all times.
  • Being aware of the positive and negative aspects of using technology (phones, ipads, computers, etc).
  • Using devices at appropriate times.
  • Embody the A.R.T.S online. Being accepting, respecting self/others when using technology, fostering togetherness and safety.
  • Being responsible/accountable for actions.
  • Ensuring digital footprint is safe and responsible.
  • Building a community of learners.


Digital Citizenship Goals:


  • Learn the appropriate way to log on and learn to keep personal log on information safe.
  • Being able to give yourself a time limit
  • Understanding you are not anonymous
  • Learning the proper way to type on the computer (using your hands – not your fingers)
  • Be familiar with the appropriate vocabulary in regards to technology.
  • Discern appropriate content for their age group (ie on youtube). Basic research skills for search engines.
  • Safety at school and at home before using a new website/app, etc


  • Safety in regards to personal information, cyber bullying, digital footprint
  • Use materials, tools and technologies in a safe manner, and with an awareness of the safety of othersin both physical and digital environments (
  • Develop critical thinking skills in regards to technology
  • Research skills
    • Safe searches
    • Valid websites/reliability
    • Bias
  • Fluency with keyboard
  • 6 District Program – Curriculum with Technology