The PAC School Garden Becomes Reality!

Have you driven by the back of the school lately?  If so, you may have noticed the chain link fencing that has been newly constructed.  This is going to be the location of our new school garden.

Teachers and students have been busy germinating seeds and caring for the new plants.  These will be in the ground very soon.

Volunteers are needed this next week, weather permitting, to help create the raised beds; fill them with soil and then plant the vegetables.  If you can help, please contact Penny MacDonald at home 250-789-3500 or cellular 250-261-0757 or just come by the school and look for her in and around the garden.  Many hands make light work.

We also are looking for donations of art/projects for in the garden and on the fence, hand tools, top soil.  If you are able to provide any of these, again please contact Penny.

Over the summer the garden will also need some care, so if you can help with weeding or watering, please do so.