ADST Values Modules Spotlight – Honesty

Honesty – Mme Emily & Mme Janelle

Today we continued with our ADST Values Modules and our next value spotlight is HONESTY. During this module Mme Janelle and Mme Emily read the book “Être honnête” to the students. The book is about a girl who sees a cake made for her sibling, but she just can’t wait and ends up eating the whole cake. Her mother asks her what happened to the cake and she tells her that an alien came and ate the cake. Later she confesses the truth because she couldn’t live with her lies. They then discuss the story, the negative effects of lying and the importance of being honest. After this each student is given a cupcake to decorate and make their own. The students are given the cupcake but the only condition is they are told they can’t eat the cupcake until the bell at the end of the day. Now it is up to them to follow the instructions and to be honest with themselves.