Mabel’s Labels Fundraiser for PAC

Just a reminder, that this fundraiser is ongoing.  There are some really nice label ideas for Mother’s and Father’s Day!  I think I might just have to buy some for my husband….Now is also the time to be thinking about summer camp and how you are going to keep track of all those items the kids need to take with them.  There are even kitchen and household labels to keep you organized at home.

click on this link here

or click on the link on the right side of this page – Mabel’s Labels  Fundraiser

Remember to share this site with your friends and family so that we can make the most of our commissions!  Money raised goes directly to the PAC to be used for events and items purchased by the PAC.  Some of these include the winter/spring sports bins in each classroom; skates; cross country ski equipment; Spring Carnival; Teacher Appreciation Lunch, etc.

Buy your labels today!